Montecampion'è per sempre!

Lunedì? Cominciamo da Instagram – La foto della settimana è di Davide Piovani

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davidepiovani: There are some mates that would follow me even to the hell… @michaelmodinaa is one of them! Thank you bro 🤙🤙🤙

#mountains #rocks #montecampione #vallecamonica #valgrigna #cornideldiavolo #trekking #trekkingitalia #volgolombardia #volgoitalia #volgobrescia #brescia #bresciafoto #bresciasocial #northface #salomon #landscape #stunning #nature #goproit #gopro #gopro6 @gopro

Sorgente: Davide Piovani su Instagram: “There are some mates that would follow me even to the hell… @michaelmodinaa is one of them! Thank you bro 🤙🤙🤙 #mountains #rocks…”

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